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Setting up Devices

Devices represent external or built-in means to output lighting. Most devices have multiple channels (e.g. LED-driver ICs, or pins on a microcontroller). Every device requires its own driver with a setup() and, in the case of an output device, an output().

Devices using the I²C protocol are "hot-swappable"; A setup routine runs when the device is connected, after which the current lighting state is sent to the device.

It comes built-in with support for the following LED diver ICs:

Example definition of devices in a config:

#pragma once

builtinLED builtin(0);
PCA9685 dashboard(0x40, 0, 4);

WireDevice *wireDevices[] =
size_t wireDevicesCount = COUNT_OF(wireDevices);

OutputDevice *outputDevices[] =
size_t outputDevicesCount = COUNT_OF(outputDevices);
  • Devices in wireDevices[] will be checked for (dis-)connection and initialized when connected.
  • Devices in outputDevices[] will be updated with changed lighting channels for every frame.